VANCOUVER, B.C. – April, 2006 – Foundation Data Management Software today announced the general release of Foundation Business Suite.
Foundation Business Suite (FBS) is a new way to build business software: MOTS (Modifiable Off-The-Shelf) Software. We designed FBS modules to be customizable and configurable so that they can meet 100% of the client’s business requirements. Each module begins as a basic template, comprising the standard functionality of that specific process, i.e.: Sales, Order Management, Inventory Management, Scheduling and Purchasing.
FBS is built upon Foundation’s Framework software. Framework is based upon the idea that existing functionality in one piece of software can be leveraged off all the functionality of another. With our ongoing development of FBS our customers will be able to benefit from new features and functions without losing any of the configurations or enhancements that have already been made. This is unlike any package software implementation on the marketplace and is far ahead of any custom solution, since the majority of the screens are pre-built.