Make sure you have downloaded and installed JDeveloper 10.1.3.

Download and Install

Download and Install Java JDK 5.0 from Fdata recommends Update 5.

Install it in the default path C:\Program Files\Java\.

When finished make sure you have a C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_05 directory.

Configure JDeveloper for Java 5.0

Some older version of JDeveloper 10.1.3 came with Java 1.4.2 or no JDK at all. Framework v2.1 requires Java 5.0 to run.

Run c:\jdev\jdeveloper.exe (or where ever you have installed JDeveloper)

Open Tools -> Default Project Properties …

Select Libraries in the left window.

Click on Change … button.

Select User from the left hand window.

Press the New … button.

Click on the Browse … button and navigate to the location of the java.exe for JDK 5.0 (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_05\bin\java.exe).

Press OK

Press OK to save the new definition. This will now be the default JDK for all new JDeveloper Project.