1. Registering Report Templates
Word documents saved in the Word 2003 XML format can be registered as report templates. The reporting system uses the templates to generate new Word documents based on data stored in the system. The generated documents are saved in the Word 2003 XML format and can be opened using Word 2003 or greater.
Word Reports can be registered in two ways. Using the first way, a report consisting of a single Word document can be registered. The second way allows a report consisting of multiple documents to be created. The steps required by each way are described below.
1.1 How to register a report template (Single):
Create a new template and save it as a Word 2003 XML Document.
Fig. 1 – Save template as a Word 2003 XML document
Log into system using the “admin” account
Select “Repository Item” from the “Reports” menu
Click the “Add New” button and select “Word Repository Item” from the list of repository item types
Fig. 2 – Adding a new Word Repository Item
Set the fields for the new repository item. There are three fields:
a. Class Name (required): The name of the entity in Fdata that the report is going to be registerd to. The commonly used class names are listed in Table 2.1
b. Report Template (Required): The name of the Word 2003 XML document that this report template will use. Select the report file using the button.
c. Configurer (Optional): The name of the configurer that this repository item will use. A list of configurers available are listed Table 2.1. If no configurer is used, it is recommended that the following configurer be used if the report is for an entity listed in Table 2.1:
NOTE: The string inside the brackets <> will depend on your situation.
d. Click the “Insert” button to save the repository item

1.2 How to register a report template (Multiple documents):
- Log into system using the “admin” account
- Select “Repository Item” from the “Reports” menu
- Click the “Add New” button and select “Template Repository Item” from the list of repository item types
Fig. 4 – Adding a new Template Repository Item
- Set the fields for the new repository item. There are three fields:
- Class Name (required): The name of the entity in Fdata that the report is going to be registerd to. The commonly used class names are listed in Table 2.1
- Document Template (Required): The Document Template that this report template will use. Create a new Document Template using the button.
- Configurer (Optional): The name of the configurer that this repository item will use. A list of configurers available are listed Table 2.1 If no configurer is used, it is recommended that the following configurer be used if the report is for an entity listed in Table 2.1:
NOTE: The string inside the brackets <> will depend on your situation.
Fig. 5 – The Template Repository Item screen
- Create a new Document Template by clicking the button. Set the Document Templates name and click the “Insert” button.
Fig. 6 – The Document Template Screen
- Associate Document Sections to the template. One or more sections can be associated to a template. To associate a section:
a. Click the “New” button under the “Document Sections” tab.
Fig. 7 – Associating a section with a template
b. Set the “Document Section”: If the Document Section is already stored in the system, click the search button and select it from the drop down list. If the Document Section has to be created, click the add new button. Set the following fields:
- Name: The Document Sections Name (required)
- Description: A Short description of the Document Section (optional)
- Document Content: The file name of the Word 2003 XML document that this section will use. The XML file can be selected using the upload button (required)
- Click the “Insert” button on the Document Section screen
Fig. 8 – The Document Section screen
- Set the “Order” of the association. The order determines how the Document Template orders the Document Sections associated with it. The first section will have Order = 1.
- Click “Insert” on the Document Section Link screen
- For each additional Document Section to be associated with the Document Template, repeat Step 6.
- Click “Insert” on the Template Repository Item screen
2 Entities and Supported Configurers
Entity Name | Class Name | Configurer* |
Undergraduate SME Contract | FUGSMEContract | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Contract For Service Amendment | FCFSAmendment | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
SME Contract Amendment | FSMEContractAmendment | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Contract For Service | FContractForService | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Agreement | FAgreement | FAgreementConfigurer |
Agreement Amendment | FAgreementAmendment | FAgreementAmendmentConfigurer |
MOU | FMOU | FMOUConfigurer |
Collaboration Agreement | FCAgreement | FCAgreementConfigurer |
Graduate SME Contract | FGSMEContract | FSMEContractConfigurer |
SME Contract | FSMEContract | FSMEContractConfigurer |
All listed above | FAUReportConfigurer |
Table 2.1: Commonly used entities and their configurers
*: Prefix each configurer name with “com.<name>.common.templates.” when setting in a repository item.NOTE: The string inside the brackets <> will depend on your situation.
3 Supported Tags
The following table lists the tags that are available to report templates for the commonly used entites (See Table 2.1). Tags can be added to Word document by enclosing text between two pound signs (Eg: #fStatus#). In a template document, it is important that pound signs are only used to define tags. If they are used in any other way, the template will not compile. For example, if a tempalte contained the text “Contract #”, the template would not compile properly because the “#” is not being used to define a tag. For more on how tags are used, refer to the Report Repository Developers guide.
The following tags are available without any further programming.
3.1 Agreement Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
AG # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Facility | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Agreement Type | fType | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Indefinite Agreement | fIndefiniteAgreement | None |
Agreement Administrator | fContractAdminRef | None |
Requestor | fRequestorRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Notes | fNotes | None |
Facility Address* | fFacilityAddr | FAgreementConfigurer |
Facility Phone* | fFacilityPhone | FAgreementConfigurer |
Facility Fax* | fFacilityFax | FAgreementConfigurer |
Current Date* | fCurrentDate | FAgreementConfigurer |
3.2 Agreement Amendment Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
Agreement | fContractRef | None |
Amendment # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Facility | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Type | fType | None |
Program | fAProgramRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Indefinite Agreement | fIndefiniteAgreement | None |
Description | fNotes | None |
Requestor | fRequestorRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Vendor Address* | fVendorAddr | FAgreementAmendmentConfigurer |
Current Date* | fCurrentDate | FAgreementAmendmentConfigurer |
3.3 Collaboration Agreement Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
AG # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Partner | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Collaboration Agreement Type | fType | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Collaboration Administrator | fRequestorRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Collaboration Agreement Administrator | fContractAdminRef | None |
Collaboration Champion | fCollaborationChampionRef | None |
Notes | fNotes | None |
Partner Address* | fPartnerAddr | FCAgreementConfigurer |
Partner Phone* | fPartnerPhone | FCAgreementConfigurer |
Partner Fax* | fPartnerFax | FCAgreementConfigurer |
Current Date* | fCurrentDate | FCAgreementConfigurer |
3.4 Collaboration Agreement Amendment Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
Collaboration Agreement | fContractRef | None |
Amendment # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Partner | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Type | fType | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Collaboration Agreement Administrator | fContractAdminRef | None |
Description | fNotes | None |
Collaboration Administrator | fRequestorRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
3.5 Contract For Service Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
CO # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Vendor | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Work Site | fWorkSite | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Description | fNotes | None |
Contract Type | fContractTypeRef | None |
Contract Sub Type | fContractSubTypeRef | None |
Reporting Day to Day | fReportingDayToDayRef | None |
Reporting Formal | fReportingFormalRef | None |
Requestor | fRequestorRef | None |
Other Approver | fApproverRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Expense Item Subtotal | fPayableExpenseSubtotal | None |
Expense Item GST | fPayableExpenceTax1 | None |
Expense Item PST | fPayableExpenseTax2 | None |
Expense Item Total | fPayableExpenseTotal | None |
Expense Item Currency | fPayableCurrencyCode | None |
Amount Item Subtotal | fPayableAmountSubtotal | None |
Amount Item GST | fPayableAmountTax1 | None |
Amount Item PST | fPayableAmountTax2 | None |
Amount Item Total | fPayableAmountTotal | None |
Amount Item Currency | ||
Total Paid Subtotal | fPaidSubTotal | None |
Total Paid GST | fPaidTax1 | None |
Total Paid PST | fPaidTax2 | None |
Total Paid Total | fPaidTotal | None |
Total Paid Currency | ||
System Access Required | fSystemAccessRequired | None |
System Access Description | fSystemAccessDescription | None |
Subtotal | fSubTotal | None |
GST | fTax1 | None |
PST | fTax2 | None |
Total | fTotal | None |
Currency | fCurrencyCode | None |
Vendors Address* | fVendorAddr | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Vendor CODA* | fVendorCODAName | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Deliverables*,** | desc | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Payment Schedule Items*,** | pssc | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Vendor GST Number* | fVendorGSTNumber | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Vendor Phone* | fVendorPhone | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Vendor Fax* | fVendorFax | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Vendor Operating As*** | fVendorOperatingAs | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
Individual Vendor Full Name*** | fIndividualVendorName* | FContractForServiceConfigurer |
3.6 Contract Amendment Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
Contract # | fContractRef | None |
Amendment # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Vendor | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Type | fAmendmentTypes | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Description | fNotes | None |
Requestor | fRequestorRef | None |
Other Approver | fApproverRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Subtotal | fSubTotal | None |
GST | fTax1 | None |
PST | fTax2 | None |
Total | fTotal | None |
Currency | fCurrencyCode | None |
Vendors Address* | fVendorAddr | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Deliverables*,** | desc | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Payment Schedule Items*,** | pssc | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Reporting Day to Day* | fReportingDayToDayRef | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Reporting Formal* | fReportingFormalRef | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Current Date* | fCurrentDate | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Vendor CODA* | fVendorCODAName | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Vendor Operating As*** | fVendorOperatingAs | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Individual Vendor Full Name*** | fIndividualVendorName | FAContractAmendmentConfigurer |
3.7 MOU Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
MOU # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Partner | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Description | fNotes | None |
MOU Administrator | fRequestorRef | None |
MOU Contract Administrator | fContractAdminRef | None |
MOU Approver | fApproverRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Notes | fNotes | None |
Partners Address* | fPartnerAddr | FMOUConfigurer |
Partners Phone* | fPartnerPhone | FMOUConfigurer |
Partners Fax* | fPartnerFax | FMOUConfigurer |
Current Date* | fCurrentDate | FMOUConfigurer |
3.8 SME (Undergraduate and Graduate) Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
SME # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
SME | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Work Site | fWorkSite | None |
Department | fDepartmentRef | None |
Contract Type | fContractTypeRef | None |
Course Number | fCourseNumber | None |
Course Title | fCourseTitle | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Reporting Day to Day | fReportingDayToDayRef | None |
Reporting Formal | fReportingFormalRef | None |
Requestor | fRequestorRef | None |
Other Approver | fApproverRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Expense Item Subtotal | fPayableExpenseSubtotal | None |
Expense Item GST | fPayableExpenceTax1 | None |
Expense Item PST | fPayableExpenseTax2 | None |
Expense Item Total | fPayableExpenseTotal | None |
Expense Item Currency | fPayableCurrencyCode | None |
Amount Item Subtotal | fPayableAmountSubtotal | None |
Amount Item GST | fPayableAmountTax1 | None |
Amount Item PST | fPayableAmountTax2 | None |
Amount Item Total | fPayableAmountTotal | None |
Amount Item Currency | ||
Total Paid Subtotal | fPaidSubTotal | None |
Total Paid GST | fPaidTax1 | None |
Total Paid PST | fPaidTax2 | None |
Total Paid Total | fPaidTotal | None |
Total Paid Currency | ||
System Access Required | fSystemAccessRequired | None |
System Access Description | fSystemAccessDescription | None |
Subtotal | fSubTotal | None |
GST | fTax1 | None |
PST | fTax2 | None |
Total | fTotal | None |
Currency | fCurrencyCode | None |
Vendors Address* | fVendorAddr | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Deliverables*,** | desc | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Payment Schedule Items*,** | pssc | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Vendor CODA* | fVendorCODAName | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Vendor Operating As*** | fVendorOperatingAs | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Individual Vendor Full Name | fIndividualVendorName | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Vendor GST Number* | fVendorGSTNumber | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Vendor Phone* | fVendorPhone | FSMEContractConfigurer |
Vendor Fax* | fVendorFax | FSMEContractConfigurer |
3.9 SME Contract Amendment Fields
Field Name | Tag | Configurer Required |
Contract # | fContractRef | None |
Amendment # | fCode | None |
Status | fStatus | None |
Created | fCreatedDateTime | None |
Vendor | fLegalPartyRef | None |
Contact | fContactRef | None |
Type | fAmendmentTypes | None |
Start Date | fStartDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
End Date | fEndDate | Use FAUReportConfigurer for proper formating |
Description | fNotes | None |
Requestor | fRequestorRef | None |
Other Approver | fApproverRef | None |
Contract Signer | fContractSignerRef | None |
Subtotal | fSubTotal | None |
GST | fTax1 | None |
PST | fTax2 | None |
Total | fTotal | None |
Currency | fCurrencyCode | None |
Vendors Address* | fVendorAddr | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Deliverables*,** | desc | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Payment Schedule Items*,** | pssc | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Reporting Day to Day* | fReportingDayToDayRef | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Reporting Formal* | fReportingFormalRef | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Current Date* | fCurrentDate | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Vendor CODA* | fVendorCODAName | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Vendor Operating As*** | fVendorOperatingAs | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Individual Vendor Full Name*** | fIndividualVendorName | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Course Number* | fCourseNumber | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |
Course Title* | fCourseTitle | FSMEContractAmendmentConfigurer |