10.1. Unable to Launch the Application
10.1.1 Issue
The user is unable to launch the application from their workstation.
For more information click on the Details button. This will display the error console:
Click on the Exception tab for more information.
10.1.2 Resolution
Make sure that the web server is running and that the user can access the default web page from their workstation.
Delete the application from their workstation.
Go to the Java applet on the user’s workstation’s control panel.
Click on the View… button. This will open the list of current applications installed on the user’s workstation.
Select the application and press the red X.
Close the screen when completed.
Try to reload the application.
10.2. Unable to Load the Properties File
10.2.1 Issue
The user is unable to download the properties file from the web server. The following error is displayed:
10.2.2 Resolution
Make sure the web server is running and that the user can access the default web page from their workstation.
10.3. Unable to Access the Application Server
10.3.1 Issue
If the client is unable to access the application server the user will receive the following error message on their desktop.
10.3.2 Resolution
First verify that the application server is up and running. Then check the network connection from the user’s workstation to the server by opening the default web page.
10.4 Authentication Error
10.4.1 Issue
The user is unable to log into the application
10.4.2 Resolution
Try and log to the application as a different user from the same workstation. If that is successful then the user is using the wrong username and password, or is not in the correct Active Directory group.
If other users are unable to login then check the Active Directory settings as described in section 3.5.
10.5. Session Timeout
If a user has not used the application for a period of time (FSession.timeout in milliseconds) then their session will be shutdown and they will need to reauthenicate into the application.
After successfully logging back in their session with be resumes where they left it.
To change the timeout and how often the timeout is checked (FSession.timeoutCheckPeriod) update the following properties in the <app name>.properties file.
FSession.timeoutCheckPeriod = 60000
FSession.timeout = 900000
10.6. Authentication Error
10.6.1 Issue
The connection between the client and the server is cut or the application server is stopped while the user is still connected.
If the user presses Yes they will be reconnected to the server, if they press No they will be logged out.
If the server is still down while they are logged out they will receive the following messages:
10.6.2 Resolution
Make sure that the application server is running. Check that the user can connect to the default web page on the server. Verify that ports 1299 and 1298 on the server are accessible from the user’s workstation.
10.7. Application Exception
10.7.1 Issue
The application has thrown an exception.
This is usually caused by a problem within the application itself.
10.7.2 Resolution
This is an application issue therefore information needs to be gathered
- Copy the stack trace from the Java Console.
- Verify the steps the user look to create this exception
- Verify that it can be repeated
- Check the Server log file for any server exceptions
- Send stack traces along with the steps to create the error to Fdata support.