12.1. Overview
12.2. Requirements
12.2.1. Oracle

Install an Oracle 10g R2 database.  If using the Database Configuration Assistant (dbca) select a General Purpose Database.

Note: There are no stored procedures. All objects for the application will be stored in a schema created by the installer in the “users” tablespace and the schema will also use the “temp” tablespace.

12.2.2. Java


Install Java JDK 1.6.0 and make sure it is available in the users path.


java –version

12.3. Server Installation

Unpack the <app name>yyyymmdd.zip file into the /opt/apps/<app name> project directory.

Check that run.sh is executable and that is has been converted to unix

chmod 755 run.sh

dos2unix run.sh

12.3.1. Configure the Database Connection

Edit the <app name>.server.properties file in the project directory and change the FDatabaseManager.url parameter to match the database host, listener and SID:

FDatabaseManager.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database servername>:<listener port>:<SID>


  • database servername is the name of the database server
  • listener port is the port the tns listener is running on
  • SID is the database SID or Service Name
12.3.2. Define the Database

Open a console window to go to the project directory and run the following:

sh ./run.sh –define

This will open up the database definition wizard.

Enter the Oracle database system password and press Create Schema.

Note: run.sh needs to be converted to a unix file using dos2unix.

12.3.3. Test the Client

In the project directory run the following:

run.bat –client

Login as admin, with the admin password (default is password).

12.3.4. Configure Java Webstart

Edit the <app name>.jnlp file in the project directory and change the codebase parameter to match the webserver:

codebase=”http://<servername>:<port>/<app name>/”


  • Servername is the name of the web server
  • Port is the port on which the web server runs
12.3.5 Verify Java Webstart

From Internet Explorer go to: “http://<servername>:<port>/<app name>/”


  • Servername is the name of the web server
  • Port is the port on which the web server runs
  • Projectname is the project directory

and click on the link to the <app name>.jnlp file.

Login as admin, with the admin password (default is password).

12.4. Client Installation